Building Local Prosperity Week: Ellie Davis



“I guess it hadn’t struck me that people farm – even though I was wanting to go into farming. And now I’ve leased land and growing milkweed, pawpaw, peanuts- and potentially hemp. But it all started with Growing New Farmers Program and then MUSC (mentor farm) and figuring out that – yea, writing is fun, and i’ll always be a writer, but i’m a farmer too. It’s just been extraordinary experience.


I had my apprenticeship at MUSC [Urban Farm] which is such an important component of the program. I learned so much with Carmen Ketron and the folks at the drug discovery lab. Every bit of it i needed and it legitimately formed how I will farm. And I’m still there – and will be growing stuff for them. So without a doubt – Lowcountry Local First has changed the course of my career. Hands down. If you all hadn’t offered this course – then I wouldn’t be a farmer.”

– Ellie Davis, Dog Leg Farms, Growing New Farmers Program 2018 graduate

Watch Ellie’s full story here.



At Lowcountry Local First we are building an economy that is anchored in local ownership, because we believe that local-independent businesses are the cornerstone of our culture, economy and character. We are the on-the-ground advocate working around-the-clock for our homegrown businesses – ultimately shaping the community we want.

Will you help us to continue to build local prosperity? Will you choose the Lowcountry?