Building Local Prosperity Week: Sam Norton



“The people here [at Local Works] give wheels to your idea. …I’ve been to other incubator spaces and they put legs on snakes. They do things that you don’t need. But you do need for snakes to meet other snakes. You need people to encourage you – or you’ll get burnt out.


…There is a distinct happening of humans that led me to where I am now – which is that I have the funding, the space, the information and the leaders involved who are helping my project bloom. And all four of those areas came from introductions made here.”

– Sam Norton, Heron Farms, Local Works community member

Watch Sam’s full story here.



At Lowcountry Local First we are building an economy that is anchored in local ownership, because we believe that local-independent businesses are the cornerstone of our culture, economy and character. We are the on-the-ground advocate working around-the-clock for our homegrown businesses – ultimately shaping the community we want.

Will you help us to continue to build local prosperity? Will you choose the Lowcountry?