Good Enterprises:

Lowcountry Local First’s Good Enterprises Initiative is a catalyst for reshaping the region’s entrepreneurial ecosystem to one that provides equitable opportunity for business ownership, in order to transform lives and communities. Through the adoption of a nationally recognized and proven curriculum, one-on-one coaching, and an access to capital model, Good Enterprises supports economic development opportunities directly in the communities that need it the most.

A local challenge: 

  • Charleston demonstrated the 5th fastest growing gap between rich and poor residents in the US from 2011-2016.
  • Median income levels for African-American and Hispanic households in Charleston County are less than half that of white households.
  • There is a significant gap in our entrepreneurial ecosystem, one that provides opportunity for minority and low-income individuals to improve their lives through entrepreneurship.

How Good Enterprises is rising to the challenge:

  • Community Business Academy (CBA)

    A 13-week course offering hands-on training in business planning and management.

  • Graduation Services

    Those who complete the academy are offered Lowcountry Local First membership which includes complimentary access to business workshops, the Local Expertise Exchange, sector meet-ups, community networking, and a listing on the Local Business Directory.

  • Capital Collective

    Designed to help Community Business Academy graduates address financial challenges such as paying for equipment, hiring new staff, or managing leases. Led by financial experts, this program covers accessing capital, effective deployment, business management, and leveraging technology.