Celebrate the Graduates: Spring 2024 Community Business Academy

Posted By: Jordan Amaker Awareness, Community, General News,

En medio del vibrante tapiz de apoyo comunitario y espíritu emprendedor, la Academia Empresarial de Lowcountry Local First ("La Academia") celebró otro logro notable el 13 de junio. Un total de 17 personas dedicadas, representando tanto a las cohortes de inglés como de español, se graduaron con orgullo del programa intensivo de 12 semanas, elevando el número total de graduados del programa a más de 300 desde su lanzamiento en el otoño de 2019. Esta ocasión trascendental no solo marcó el final de su trayectoria en la academia, sino también el comienzo de sus incursiones en el ámbito del emprendimiento.


Ana Inestroza, Lua Beauty Products
Julissa Calero, Celebrate Bakery
Lizbeth Guerrero Diaz, Soul Energy
Martha Ortega, El Centenario Grill
Patricia McBride, Venus Outfit
Rachel Ortega, El Centenario Grill
Thalles Henrique Pinto Ferreira, Recursos Latinos
Yaquelin Garcia, Lovella
Yenniffer Flores, Lua Beauty Products  


Davon Hawkins, Willy Dee’s
Jasmine Hawkin, Fly Nails Only
Kendall Cox, Sniper Wolf Images
Nadine Johnson, Your Mobile Tutor
Nia Joy, Nia Joy
Shantae Jenkins, Laura Vivian Leather
Shiquita Kendle, The Lit Chemist, LLC
Tremaine Moore, Naturally Geechee

La Academia, reconocida por su enfoque práctico y currículo robusto, proporcionó a estos aspirantes a empresarios las herramientas y el conocimiento esencial para prosperar en el competitivo panorama empresarial. A lo largo del programa, los participantes se sumergieron en experiencias de aprendizaje prácticas. Desde la redacción de planes de negocio hasta la navegación por las complejidades de la gestión financiera, cada aspecto del currículo fue diseñado para capacitar y equipar a estos emprendedores para el éxito.

Lo que distingue a La Academia es su compromiso con fomentar un entorno comunitario de apoyo. Facilitado por empresarios experimentados que generosamente compartieron sus conocimientos y experiencias del mundo real, el programa trascendió el aprendizaje teórico. Ofreció valiosas oportunidades de networking y colaboración, permitiendo a los participantes establecer conexiones con compañeros de ideas afines y líderes comunitarios. Esta red de apoyo y responsabilidad seguirá siendo fundamental para sus futuros emprendimientos.

La ceremonia de graduación misma fue un testimonio de la dedicación y perseverancia de los graduados. Familiares, amigos, mentores y miembros de la comunidad se reunieron para celebrar este hito significativo. Entre aplausos y vítores, cada graduado cruzó el escenario para recibir su certificado, un símbolo tangible de su arduo trabajo y determinación durante las últimas 12 semanas.

Celebramos el éxito de estos graduados de primavera de 2024, y también celebramos el espíritu de innovación, resiliencia y comunidad que define la experiencia de La Academia. Felicitaciones a cada graduado por este logro notable. Su viaje como empresarios apenas comienza, y esperamos con interés las grandes cosas que lograrán.


Amidst the vibrant tapestry of community support and entrepreneurial spirit, Lowcountry Local First's Community Business Academy (CBA) celebrated another remarkable achievement on June 13th. A total of 17 dedicated individuals, representing both the English and Spanish cohorts, proudly graduated from the 12-week intensive program, bringing the total graduate count for the program to more than 300 since its launch in the Fall of 2019. This momentous occasion not only marked the culmination of their journey through the academy but also heralded the beginning of their ventures into the realm of entrepreneurship. Support for these two Spring cohorts came from South Carolina Department of Commerce, the US Economic Development Agency (EDA), the City of Goose Creek, Rising Tide Capital, Charleston County Economic Development, and Coastal Coffee Roasters (host of La Academia). Their support enabled us to highly scholarship the program for each participating entrepreneur.


Davon Hawkins, Willy Dee’s
Jasmine Hawkin, Fly Nails Only
Kendall Cox, Sniper Wolf Images
Nadine Johnson, Your Mobile Tutor
Nia Joy, Nia Joy
Shantae Jenkins, Laura Vivian Leather
Shiquita Kendle, The Lit Chemist, LLC
Tremaine Moore, Naturally Geechee


Ana Inestroza, Lua Beauty Products
Julissa Calero, Celebrate Bakery
Lizbeth Guerrero Diaz, Soul Energy
Martha Ortega,El Centenario Grill
Patricia McBride, Venus Outfit
Rachel Ortega, El Centenario Grill
Thalles Henrique Pinto Ferreira, Recursos Latinos
Yaquelin Garcia, Lovella

The CBA, renowned for its hands-on approach and robust curriculum, provided these aspiring entrepreneurs with essential tools and knowledge to thrive in the competitive business landscape. Throughout the program, participants immersed themselves in hands-on learning experiences. From drafting business plans to navigating the intricacies of financial management, every aspect of the curriculum was designed to empower and equip these entrepreneurs for success.

What sets the CBA apart is its commitment to fostering a supportive community environment. Facilitated by experienced entrepreneurs who generously shared their insights and real-world experiences, the program goes beyond theoretical learning. It offers invaluable opportunities for networking and collaboration, allowing participants to forge connections with like-minded peers and community leaders. 

The graduation ceremony itself was a testament to the dedication and perseverance of the graduates. Family, friends, mentors, and community members gathered to celebrate this significant milestone. Amid cheers and applause, each graduate walked across the stage, receiving their certificate—a tangible symbol of their hard work and determination over the past 12 weeks.

When asked to share about his class experience during the ceremony, Kendall Cox of Sniper Wolf Images said, "The instructors will push you to your limits and past them. The academy didn't feel like a class - it felt like therapy for me. ...The instructors helped us to not overthink things or get overwhelmed. They helped us break down what seemed overwhelming. And whenever I needed assistance, the instructors and my classmates were there. We helped each other throughout the process. The class became like a second family."

We celebrate the success of these Spring 2024 graduates, and we also celebrate the spirit of innovation, resilience, and community that defines the CBA experience. Congratulations to each graduate for this remarkable achievement. Your journey as entrepreneurs has only just begun, and we eagerly anticipate the great things you will accomplish. 

La Academia, Spring 2024

Community Business Academy, Spring 2024

Catering by Tamales by Guadalupe, a La Academia graduate

Kendall Cox speaks to his fellow graduates